segunda-feira, setembro 17, 2007


O Novo CPP

Pensava eu que quando se reforma o CPP é para durar. Mas não. Na verdade, dura 3 ou 4 semanas. O Ministro da Justiça diz que está aberto a uma nova revisão ainda que pontual. O Procurador quer uma nova revisão. O Ministério Público não gosta do novo CPP. A Direita assobia para o ar como se não tivesse pactado esta nova versão com o PS. O Presidente da República promulga o novo CPP sem perceber as consequências da sua entrada em vigor ao fim de 15 dias. A Ordem dos Advogados critica. Só falta mesmo o pai da criatura, o professor de Direito-juiz do TC-super ministro renegar a coisa. E o mais dramático é que a revisão do CPP foi incipiente, não tocou no estrutural e foi pensada para resolver problemas pontuais criados por certos casos mediáticos. Enfim, como é diferente o CPP em Portugal!

sábado, setembro 15, 2007


Maddie McCann and insanity

I have the privilege of following the case of the McCann’s little girl from abroad. I have also benefited from the environment where I work, a top US law school. The McCann’s case is a sad story. There is a big loser, the poor girl, and no winner. Nevertheless, this case will hurt many more people long before it is finished (and I don’t mean just the parents). It will have serious consequences for the Portuguese and British press as well as for criminal procedure in Portugal (much more than previous cases such as Casa Pia or the Outreau affair in France). My interest in the case is pure academic. I don’t know what happen to the girl, I don’t know whether or not the parents are guilty; I don’t know whether or not the police and the Portuguese authorities have been incompetent. There is however a couple of things that seem clear to me at this point:

1) The British and Portuguese press has been insane and totally irresponsible in the way they have treated this story. I don’t just mean the xenophobic and prejudice tones of the media in both countries (in fact, a much more balanced cover is provided by the Spanish or the North American media). Many op-eds are just insane. Bloggers went crazy. Respectable journalists, influential opinion-makers, politicians, ambassadors and even judges have engaged in this insanity. As if this story was about Portugal v Britain. As if there was a conspiracy in Portugal or in Britain to determine the outcome of the case one way or the other. It is appalling to read or hear people talking about (non-existent) facts, commenting fantastic new developments that nobody confirmed. If we look back to the last month, most press has systematically failed predictions and has reported facts that are denied by later events. The role of the British and Portuguese press in this case is simple shameful. More shameful is, however, the contribution of well-known public intellectuals in Portugal and in Britain to this insanity.

2) The legal experts populating the Anglo-American media are incredibly bad. Obviously a forensic is a forensic in London, New York or in Lisbon. But those pompously introduced by the media as “legal experts” are so ignorant of Portuguese criminal procedure that is beyond belief. The things I have heard are just crazy (from plea-bargaining (!!) to ludicrous considerations about jury trials in Portugal or mandatory disclosure of evidence in order to obtain warrants from a judge, etc.). Many do not even realize Portugal is a civil law country, they simply assume Portugal has Anglo-American criminal procedure and go on making “expert” comments (i.e., influencing public opinion) that only adds to the confusion. True, there is no good source in English for Portuguese criminal procedure (for Portuguese law in general, with the exception of the recent book published by Almedina). However anyone with a reasonable knowledge of French and German criminal procedure could make a much better job than these clowns.

3) Portuguese criminal procedure (recently reformed by a commission headed by the current and prolific Minister of Interior) has much irrationality, but no more and no less than any other criminal procedure around the world. True, the “arguido” legal status is of difficult comprehension (the standard justifications are complete illogical such as it offers more protection than the status of witness, but that is simply because the legal standing of witness has been neglected in the last 30 years for reasons beyond my comprehension). True, the “vow of silence” imposed by the investigation has no rational explanation except for an ineffective technology of law enforcement (unfortunately the leaks from all sides just show that after the nth reform the Portuguese authorities still do not get it). Most irrationalities of the Portuguese criminal procedure are the product of a parochial legal culture, and not idiosyncratic of Portugal itself. Many comments in the foreign press should help the Portuguese authorities to realize the serious problems we have with our criminal procedure, but as the recent reform just shown, as long as criminal procedure is the monopoly of a small number of faithful locals who refuse to look to the outside, we are not going very far.

quinta-feira, setembro 06, 2007


Confesso: Falhei nas Minhas Previsões (II)

A desresponsabilização sobre o novo CPP começa a ser patética. A falta de seriedade da direita é incompreensível.

sábado, setembro 01, 2007


Entrevista Ricardo Reis

Excelente entrevista de Ricardo Reis no Diário Económico.
Duas notas muito reveladoras e certeiras:

1. "A grande reforma judicial acabou por resvalar para ‘mais uma ou menos uma semana de férias’."

Tal como eu próprio já tinha dito aquando do Pacto da Justiça, em Setembro do ano passado. O mais dramático é que não se vê luz ao fundo do túnel. Não só o PSD não tem qualquer ideia sobre o assunto, como os movimentos da sociedade civil tipo Compromisso Portugal não acrescentaram nada nesta matéria.

2. "DE: E não quer voltar? RR: Para onde?"

Exactamente. Para onde?


Confesso: Falhei nas Minhas Previsões

Olhando a comunicação social e os meus blogs preferidos (o Causa Nossa, por exemplo) , afinal o novo Código de Processo Penal não sobrevive nem aos primeiros seis meses. Parabéns ao Ministro Rui Pereira pelo excelente trabalho. Infelizmente a minha previsão era só termos discussão de nova reforma dentro de dois anos. Falhei... Afinal são seis meses.

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